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An Immersive Educational Center:

The Reading Ranch is off-the-grid, giving students a chance to unplug from technology and reconnect with themselves and their friends. The new facilities will allow our students to focus on improving literacy skills in a comfortable and safe setting.

Upon Completion of the Reading Ranch:

We will be able to serve an additional 100 children per summer with literacy education in the outdoors!

Help us Double our Reach:

Since 2011, BookTrails has served over 1,500 with literacy education at the Reading Ranch. We are now ready to grow and provide this experience for even more children for years to come.

Want to help BookTrails grow?

The Reading Ranch: Interactive Map Below


  • Site prep-beetle kill mitigation
  • New access road
  • 3 sleeping tents
  • Kitchen yurt
  • Library


(to be completed in 2021)
Water system & solar array

To Be Completed:
  • Pavilion with permanent kitchen – $400,000
  • Washhouse – $100,000
  • 3 sleeping tents – $36,000
  • Outdoor classrooms – $14,000
  • Operations/maintenance endowment – $100,000
  • TOTAL PROJECT COST: $900,000 55% 55%
Amount completed: $490,984
To be raised: $409,016
Click the orange highlights to learn more about The Reading Ranch!

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Hearth Stones:

Hearth Stones can be inscribed with the name of your family to commemorate your support in building the Reading Ranch.

All stones will be laid around the new campfire area to support thousands of future campers as they share memories, sing songs, and make s’mores.

Hearth Stones can be purchased for $250 include three lines of engraving.

SAVE THE DATE: The Key is slated for completion in 2024– we will invite all supporters to our opening celebration and campfire!



Questions or want to get involved? Contact us

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, for hosting camp this year. The kids of Steamboat really needed it socially and mentally with everything going on. It made such a positive difference in my kids’ lives.”

-Parent of Camper

We created a committee of dedicated & talented professionals to help build the Reading Ranch:

Thank you to these businesses who are helping to build the Reading Ranch:

Want to help BookTrails grow?